Bucket List. Empty it? Fill it? Kick it?

Do you have a bucket list? I mean like a life altering, gotta do this stuff before I die list? Mr. Dash and I have a travel bucket list. Well, maybe I have a travel bucket list and Mr. Dash gets to enjoy the ride. I don’t really call them bucket lists however. I call them stuff I wanna do – SOMEDAY. But for the sake of argument and today’s blog post, I’ll call it a bucket list. 

We (Mr. Dash and I) have a Colorado bucket list. We wanted to do so many things in this gorgeous state of ours. Pikes’ Peak (not checked off), Garden of the Gods (not checked off), Climb a 14’er (also not checked off), Aspen during the fall (you guessed it, not checked off). Well crap. Why did we fill out (write down) our bucket list if we aren’t going to fill it?! I think it gives us something to look forward to. Or if we are bored (read, hardly ever) then we can find something on our bucket list to check off.

So, this fall, I have decided to create a fall bucket list. Things to do during this season that isn’t my favorite. Maybe I will find a new appreciation for fall. Who knows. Starting on the first day of fall (September 23) to the first day of winter (December 22) I will try to fill my Fall Autumn Bucket List.

Here is what it will consist of:

  • Make a fall soup (I hate to cook (see my blog on: I do know how to cook) so this one will fun)
  • Craft something with pinecones (I have about 900 of these things in my backyard thanks to my neighbor’s very abundant tree)
  • Donate 10 canned goods to Rocky Mountain Food Bank (with the assistance of my 10 year old daughter – good way for her to see giving is good) http://www.foodbankrockies.org/
  • Nature walk (now, I’m not really sure what a nature walk would consist of. I’m thinking leaves changing colors, cooler weather, admiring the beauty, who knows – just sounded something fallish to do)
  • Trip to the Farmer’s Market – the big one in Cherry Creek (my little suburb has a tiny, I mean tiny farmer’s market. There is however one HUGE one up north of us. I really, really, want to go buy some fresh vegetables that I will somehow manage to waste throw in a stew)  http://coloradofreshmarkets.com/markets/
  • Visit the pumpkin patch at Chatfield Gardens (hopefully don’t get stuck in the corn maze- terrifying thought actually) http://www.botanicgardens.org/pumpkin-festival/about
  • Do 5 Boo Baskets (wouldn’t this make more sense after Halloween? Then you can get rid of all of the Halloween candy your kids bring home)
  • Lose 15 pounds (my Fall resolution. Hey why wait for New Years to make a resolution. Not to mention, it’s in writing and y’all are reading it. Maybe I can hold myself accountable!)
  • Make green chili. (with my trip to the Farmer’s Market!) seriously maybe my one only favorite part of fall. I have to wait all year to make green chili with fresh chilis grown here in the state. Love me some green chili!
  • Garage clean up. I swear all of the stuff in my garage loves to pile up and pile up and pile up. We will have mice as the weather gets colder and they love my garage. I want them to loathe my garage when I’m done. 

Okay, there you have it. My Fall (Fun) Bucket list. I’ll try to remember to blog e’m as I complete e’m. Hopefully I will find a greater appreciate for this season. Here’s to fall – now pass me my Pumpkin Spiced Latte…

And look, I even put it in my own cute Autumn Bucket List To Do Sheet… (thanks to https://thebubblybay.wordpress.com/ for my cute template! – go to this blog – so fun!!)
