Running for my life

I recently signed up for another half marathon. You see, I’m only half crazy. Unlike my sister – who is full on crazy. (sorry sis) Really I am proud of her. She is doing her 5th marathon (in Chicago – great city) in a couple of weeks and she is amazing. Go check out her blog – TheRunningTherapist.  and you can be inspired too!

Get your Rock ‘N Roll on!

Me on the other hand, the only marathon I have in my future, maybe a marathon candy bar, a marathon of Netflix purging or even a marathon of holiday shopping. (nothing says I love you, Merry Christmas, like standing in line for 2 1/2 hours just to get into a store that you go to 4 times a week – I’m looking at you, Target) So, here I come Rock ‘N Roll – Nashville – April 2016 (in case you are 1/2 crazy too)

Back to my half crazy baked idea. This is my 4th half marathon I will have done in my life time. I did three in one year (2013) and swore I would never do one again. So much for promises… I really prefer shorter distances – hey you get to the beer faster – and due to the fact that 30 minutes is about all Baby Dash can handle waiting at the finish line for her super turtle slow momma. Once, I even did a 5k with Baby Dash. And about 10 minutes into it, she started asking if we were almost done. Granted it was the FroYo 5k and she really was there for the frozen yogurt (as was I), she still hated the last 35 minutes it took us to finish. (Never again!) This 1/2 marathon is in Nashville. hey if you are going to go 1/2 crazy might as well do it somewhere fun.

I don’t know if I’m more looking forward to the run – through Nashville – or the nightlife on music row and bar hopping. Hey, who I am kidding? I’m looking forward to the bar hopping. Gotta get carbloaded somehow…

My new fun app









Girdle advertisement.Sears, Roebuck, and Co., Fall 1957 (pg 308).
And we shall call it Myrtle!

Well, I have started training – if you want to call it that. I have started using my treadmill for some exercise instead of the standard clothes hanging rack it was designed for… And I thought I would find some fun apps to load into my iPad as I tend to get bored running like a hamster with no end in sight. I found one of the coolest apps. It’s not free and it requires you to sign up and get a membership. But man, I use it every time I’m bored running on the treadmill. It’s call BitGym. – it works with any standard stand alone cardio equipment. So, your bike, rowing machine, your treadmill, your elliptical. You can run through towns, mountains, the desert (without leaving your sturdy stand alone equipment – and without an airline ticket and your passport)… it’s just basically a great way to focus on something other than how much pain you are in time left until you are finished. It’s cool. Go check it out. Don’t blame me if you get addicted however. You can blame me if you too, decide to run a 1/2 marathon. I like to inspire!

I was telling Mr. Dash about my training. I wanted to find ways to motivate myself. You see, getting on the treadmill or bike when I get home from work, is exhausting. I have to cook dinner, help Baby Dash with homework, chill out from a crazy day at work, pay bills, do laundry, clean the dishes, you know normal paid housekeeper mom/wife duties. And then I went to put on my tennis shoes and it hit me. Or it kept me from tying my shoes. My motivation – the fact that I can’t tie my shoes. My stomach has now taken on a life of its own. We shall call her Myrtle (rhymes with girdle). Myrtle is preventing me from tying my shoes. I can’t take it anymore.

Fall is here. (ugh, finally) And with it comes comfort food. Longer nights and less sunshine to enjoy. It’s cold and completely unmotivating to me. But Myrtle has got to go. We have a Disney cruise coming up in January and I only paid for three people. And Myrtle doesn’t have a passport anyway. So, join me as we evict Myrtle and work on setting a new personal record in April at my 4th and more than likely last 1/2 marathon.



Shoes (see more tenny shoes)
